Normally the application will remember and import the list of your last usage of Media Magician by default. But if you have many different lists and you don’t want to import the files time and time again, you can export a media library file, and the next time you launch the application, you can import the library file with the list without difficulties.
Export Media Library:
1. Make sure that you have imported the right files to Media Magician.
2. Click Options button on top-right of resource list, and choose Export Media Library.
3. Browse a destination and give a name to the *.mdat media library file.
4. Save it.
Import Media Library:
1. Delete all files in resource list if there is any.
2. Click Options button and choose Import Media Library.
3. Find the right *.mdat media library file and open it.
5. The files list will be imported in seconds.
Please note that actions on Timeline will not be saved in Media Library file.
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